Always [be] prepared to make a defense (apologia) to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you;
yet do it with gentleness and respect.
- 1 Peter 3:15, ESV
yet do it with gentleness and respect.
- 1 Peter 3:15, ESV
As Christians, we have heard the oft-repeated slogan that we "live in the world, but we are not of it." Living in the world as a Christian can be tricky. How do we navigate the cultural ideals, presuppositions, expectations, and temptations? How do we think Christianly in a way that is faithful to the truth and compelling to those outside of our faith?
Apologetics explores the Christian's relationship to the world. There are a diversity of approaches to Apologetic studies. We begin with the understanding that God has created this world and called it "good." God desires to rescue our broken world, and he sends his Church therein to accomplish this work by the power of the Spirit. As we do, we must know our own faith and the ideas held by those outside of it. We must be trained to reason intelligently, dialogue charitably, and look for the truth, wherever it may be found.
Apologetics explores the Christian's relationship to the world. There are a diversity of approaches to Apologetic studies. We begin with the understanding that God has created this world and called it "good." God desires to rescue our broken world, and he sends his Church therein to accomplish this work by the power of the Spirit. As we do, we must know our own faith and the ideas held by those outside of it. We must be trained to reason intelligently, dialogue charitably, and look for the truth, wherever it may be found.